Hi John, here is my commentary to your lovely show.
Stan Deyo, the go to authority on earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, you say he will give us insight, around the ring of fire.
On a FLAT EARTH MAP, the plates is just a straight line, and a little hook. On Globe Map, its all over the place.
Geoengineering trails. Throat rashes are skyrocketing. I seen loops of chemtrail over Harts Lake. This is why kids get those rashes after they swim I bet you. The kids scratch their skin and it gets hives and then the emergency room says its flesh eating bacteria. WOW. Yeah, I bet.
They want us sick. One out of two, then it will be 1/2 of 1 of every person who will get tumors. Go on Organic Vegan Diet and no WIFI.
Emergency Rooms are filled with mystery flus. Or just the same old disease, toxiticity. They say the vaccines are ineffective. Of course vaccines dont work.
I think its NASA spraying us also, with Lithium. Its making people forget their names. They get more drugs, then their body goes all candida. They call it a virus and you get scared and go to them and get totally poisoned. Then you die, long after you knew the difference between wrong and right.
I think its NASA spraying us also, with Lithium. Its making people forget their names. They get more drugs, then their body goes all candida. They call it a virus and you get scared and go to them and get totally poisoned. Then you die, long after you knew the difference between wrong and right.
Chelsea is Webster Hubbels DADDA. Yep. Its Official. And Bill, has a black son. WOW. Where is he now I wonder. He is handsome. I wonder if Chelsea ever tried to contact her brother. And he hung up probably. You do not mess with Hillary. She means business.
Why do grown men need to spy on us? NSA. Why? Its not combating terrorism. Its to kill us all. Our government is Saudi Arabia sold probably we dont know it yet. I hear ya. WOW. NSA are naughty they ARE PERVS! WATCHING CHILDREN. Your wife when you are at work, cooking.
Common Core is the dumbest thing ever, do people think anyone is going to buy a textbook, omg, they have. Its as dumb as the smartest COMMON CORE student. Which is the dumbest. Grey. All the same. EVEN genital equality and now three bathrooms.
Suicide Nets in China, John, they have to, people hate their jobs so much, they throw themselves out the window. Thats bad. I felt that way my first telemarketing job , after an hour.
Russia is planning something? They are dying for them to start WW3. Ukraine. We shall see.
Prince is sad, he sung about the ELEVATOR TRYING TO BRING YOU DOWN, lets go crazy JOHN. Lets get nuts!
And then CHYNA dies. WEIRD. Like always. He died from Percosets Overdose. Thanks BIG PHARMA. We love your poison.
We know who the nefarious criminals are. We need to CLOSE ALL DOORS TO THEM. We know who the NWO is. We have their names.
Its not us the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is for, They EXIST, TO FOOL THE WORLD. The MM DINOSAUR TV is to fool all the world, we are so happy, and so gay.
We will win John. Its Gods world. Its Fathers always knows best, he always wins. Our will. My will. I will it. Thats what I want too John.
Stan Deyo, I seen your website. It was really fun. I clicked on some of your articles. I see you have tabs based on different subjects and then you or Holly write about mysteries. I do not know if I believe in the big bang. I think its a theory. I think we were designed.
I am not a fan of Einstein. I prefer Tesla.
So you are saying earthquakes can be forecast? I am not sure I think the earth is a planet either. LOL. But you speak of the sun cycle. I am not scared of the scary sun. Scary Hellfire sun. Its not how I see it. Or Climate Change. I dont believe in that either.
Did you say ROUND planet? Stan Deyo? When you were describing it?
Did you say ROUND planet? Stan Deyo? When you were describing it?
You think Fema is worried about earthquakes? Whats with all their coffins? Thats spooky. Did they ever say what they were for?
So we are to panic, you say, those who study, like you, and you are predicting a quake in WA in OR. Because you have been to the future?
I agree there are HAARP PSY OPS, I dont believe in HAARP. Its to GET you to believe they are real weapons and secret, when its probably nothing. Evil are so dumb. BUT THEY ARE GENIUS AT LIES AND DECEPTION. Thats their self esteem.
Remember when Ed Dames talked about the KILL SHOT JOHN, and he terrified me when he said there was going to be a terrorist attack in Seattle back in 2008? Was it? Was that you or George Noory?
I took Ed Dames course. I DID the remote view course 1K. Its amazing. My target was the destruction of SODOM and GOMORRAH and I drew rocks falling from the sky, on fire!
I took Ed Dames course. I DID the remote view course 1K. Its amazing. My target was the destruction of SODOM and GOMORRAH and I drew rocks falling from the sky, on fire!
So Stan you predict an earthquake sized ten, so what, we should move, so BLM can take everything? NASA you quote NASA, oy vey. they are the LIARS CLUB!
STAN DEYO. Are you CIA? Just asking. Is this like your ten year project?
STAN DEYO. Are you CIA? Just asking. Is this like your ten year project?
THERE IS NO SOUTH POLE STAN DEYO, reseach flatearth. Just a North Pole. The Antarctica Ice, is the wall of ice around our world, in our little circular pond. With two lights. All Nasa lies. No poles reversed, that was supposed to happen 2012.
No Heartache is coming. Only freedom. Flat earth is coming. Solar Radiation is not going to fry everything. I dont even think it happened in the 1800s. I think that was something else. I do not believe in extinction event. I do not. I am more scared of OUR GOVERNMENT than the weather!
Stan Deyo, are you sure, you are not CIA? I am trying to work you out. I am enjoying this analysis of you.
I been listening for 10 minutes. I cannot understand. I am trying so hard to make sense of anything. Sounds smarty scientific. I hear alot of keywords, but I am lost. It made no sense to me. Must be, because you are smarter.
I follow the bar caroller on youtube.
How about that yellow warm spot, was just put there by some NASA ARTISTS, they borrowed?
Fukushima, is Japan all dead yet? Are there XMEN YET? We are not that close. Glowing Seafood. Its glowing bacteria.
California they want to turn back to nature. Its planned, I think AGENDA 21 ITS CALLED correct? They want you away from there, and to turn it back to a park for the elite only. Hahhaa Just messing with ya. They wish! These evil gangs plan this stuff for hundreds of years, why cant there be secret societies that do good for individuals? Archangels and stuff.
I am not scared Stan or John. I am not. I see you stress Stan, but I dont.
Just say no to EXODUS, its to move you into cities.
I am very suspicious of your words.
I lived in California. Its the place where kids go to retire. You can get so much welfare there. You dont even need an id. Or shoes! I seen riots and riot police. I was there protesting George Bush HW meeting, he gave a 2k a plate, dinner downtown. I walked in through MACYS and BOOM riot police! I ran so fast. Its like the STORM TROOPERS. With BATS I seen them hitting women. You had people throwing bags of fake blood at his limousine.
If there are flying meteors, then why dont they fly up and sideways, why do they just come down? Arent we a ball? We should see them going up too. But we do not. LOL Why are there craters on the moon, the side facing us. Meaning, we would have shot them from ourselves. The Moon just rotates. Always the same face. You can see the moon, same face, same time in Australia and America, when they are opposites side of the ball. You can see through it too, sometimes, stars can be seen in the shadow of the waning moon. Confuses everyone. It gives off a different light. You canmeasure the temp of moonlight versus moonlight shade. Its different light then sun.
NASA DATA, NOOOOOOOO No more nasa data. I cant stand that STAN, they are LIARS, Dont you know this STAN DEYO?
I am so lost. The ROUNDNESS OF THE EARTH? WHAT? There is no curvature and there is no gravity. Sorry Stan. No Speed of light, no Pangea splitting, no we dont come from monkeys butt either.....ugh. Its like he has to give you the mandatory words again. Is he on NASA advisory board. YOU KNOW thats dirty.
JOHN. I CALL STAN DEYO a DISINFO AGENT. I CALL IT. I do. I hear his words, he wants the world to think its round and gravity is real etc. He keeps saying the ROUNDNESS, the CURVE...then he says GRAVITY, as if he had to say it. The deception.
G is for GRAVITY!
SHHH dont tell.
We made it up!
Your GUEST for the second hour, lets hear it.
Yes you need coffee to wake yourself up from the confusion.
GUARDIAN, the Guardian James. I love Caravan too. Its my highlight of the night!
I am so glad to hear him. Merkel. I cant stand her.
Merkel is sold. I do not trust her. Germany should get rid of her now. Overthrow her. Put in someone who loves the people. Not the promised booty the elite with their paper money promises.
The Migrant Influx has not slowed John, in Paris, they are rioting, lighting cars on fire. Look on Facebook only, I cant see them on youtube.
The Migrant Influx has not slowed John, in Paris, they are rioting, lighting cars on fire. Look on Facebook only, I cant see them on youtube.
James has such a great accent. I seen him on Alex Jones.
He sounds terrified, afraid to say the wrong thing, scared of being arrested for complaining. They broke him John. They did. I can hear it.
Free Speech, they cannot arrest everyone if everyone speaks freely! Or they cant take everyones cell phones who record the muslim refugee swarms.
He sounds terrified, afraid to say the wrong thing, scared of being arrested for complaining. They broke him John. They did. I can hear it.
Free Speech, they cannot arrest everyone if everyone speaks freely! Or they cant take everyones cell phones who record the muslim refugee swarms.
I say rise up support US NATIONALISM. We are superior JOHN. We are not the same as Mexico, Or IRAN. We will never be. We will not all have the same genitals either. Or three bathrooms, or else you get your ranch taken away lol.
Civil Insurrection, insurance, you cannot claim for that, he says. He is in Germany. I am German John. Half. Thats BULL.
OOOH I LOVE THE GOSSIP. Merkel is making so many mistakes. She handled the satirist very badly. SHE IS LYING again. She isnt SORRY! You ask the right questions. All the stuff I want to know.
Refugee camps get burned down daily. THAT MEANS THE GERMAN PEOPLE DONT WANT TO BE INVADED. OR MADE EQUAL. THEY ARE SUPERIOR , than the refugees, THEY ARE GERMANS. Thats their land. Its theirs. The Muslims deserve what they have, just for being born?
Euro will go before the dollar AHA MOMENT. Good forecast. I like that.
The EU what a big flop. Why would all those countries become one. SO STUPID. Not working.
I am disenchanted with MERKEL, not Germany. I have German Family Coat of Arms John. Mine is a black bird.
JAMES I AM SO SORRY YOU ARE GOING THROUGH THIS. Your country is being overwhelmed and will be conquered. NOOOO I love Germany. It so bad I AGREE WITH HIM.
Your GERMAN LYIN MEDIA news is all BS and lies, too old news, its to entertain the senior citizens before they play puzzles.
Your GERMAN LYIN MEDIA news is all BS and lies, too old news, its to entertain the senior citizens before they play puzzles.
German scandals HE GOEs through...oooo. gossip! All these HUGE companies are leaving their countries. They all want free labor, underaged girls, no laws. SO they go exploit third world countries. To Dominate them. Take advantage. Get away with "stuff".
JOHN ask him about how muslims killed VLAD TEPES, or COUNT DRACUL. They put his head on spike and gave to sultan. Or Genghis Khan, could not rid the world of them.
Is his name James or Guardian?
16 k refugees, in Germany, they lost track of, They are hiding out training for beheading Germans! Teaching their children to do it. Why ban handguns there, you Germans NEED THEM. There are dangerous criminals, Isis clerics, who shoot old women in city center for wearing a little red. They are walking around Germany now.
I think school shootings are false flag events. I dont think they are real at all. They do it to take everyones guns. For a reason.
Black Market of course you can get guns, illegally, thats where the criminals get them.
Yew Tree sap kills you in a few minutes. I did not know that.
I wish I can cheer you up. I hear his voice, his apathy. I feel it too. But I need him to get that spark from within. Create, be the creator. He is calling civil war, Germany first. Its all happening there. He says in short time.
I am scared. The Germans are way too MFing proud. Where is the fourth wave? Earn back honor. Show the world who was wrong. Prove them wrong.
TRUMP LOVE. I love him so much John. Obama is leaving. He is OUTTA THERE, Guaranteed!! I never ever ever fell for Obama. I dont even like his name. He is not going to go another term. I guarantee, nobody wants him. The tv programming isnt real. Who is going to dinners with Obama? Noone likes him!
Bill Ayers! Oy Vey. He got you John! He did get me too. He got you. All it showed was your love, your openess. It showed the world, it showed the world, how appealing it would be, to be in your good graces. How he genuinely, touched you. You touched him. He kept saying I am old man, I am just a peaceful person. I just am on a pension. It was the 60's . And he, I bet, cried his eyes out when you stripped him of his KNIGHTHOOD. But then, his actions, at the TRUMP Rally. OY Vey. He organized that. GHOULISH, VAMPIRICAL, GNOMISH attack on free speech. WOW. He is slippery. I think the man just wants to be loved so much. But he is broken inside. We are alone in our souls.
I want John Macafee again; I do love him. He is so sophisticated and the way he speaks, its with confidence. He is a smarty pants too. He said he was going to mop up the floor with Trump, remember, and he was running as Libertarian Independant.
YES YES YOU HONOR US JOHN with superstars! And if someone is held up to the light, and you can see right through him, you make it that way. And you are so polite and so graceful, you say all the right things. You have what it takes. You speak and let others speak.
I want you to interview Richard Branson. He is important I feel. Ask him about cannabis rights. He posts alot of stuff on Twitter like that. Hahaha I wish. He wants it to be legalized.
I love you John. I loved your guests, Hey Stan, Hey GUARDIAN JAMES PEACE OUT.
I love every night a new show. I do. And I can talk back.
"I" am BETTER than everyone else. My rights FIRST. John, thats all it is. AMERICA IS BETTER. I am . I am not the same as European refugees? Savages? They just loot. Pillage. Their agenda tells them to do it. Listen. Why make them equal to me?
Trump and Macafee? wow. Good Idea JAMES! What about Trump and TRUMP JUNIOR? You get the Trump Lifestyle for generations, I have to ask Guardian to look at that. No more politicians. John Macafee. I like. What about Jesse Ventura. Or Ben Carson. We shall see.
I wonder if Macaffe can break into Nasa and prove their shenanigans.
I think Germany should align with Putin, why not, isnt he the worlds richest man? Anti NWO?
Ep. 516 – In this edition we speak to prolific author and researcher Stan Deyo; Where was Atlantis when it existed and who were the Atlantians? We will discuss this and much more. Then, the inimitable Ark Guardian James docks at Ark Midnight to discuss all things Guardian.
You were so nice to James, JOHN. Poor Man. Has to watch his country suffer. And Paris lost their Marianne.
Germans must be pissed at us. We are pissed at them, for not standing up to MERKEL. I am mad.
"Standards are slipping", He says. James is so depressed John. Get him to snap out of it! Common Core is the worst, lowest. Its so disgusting. Its just to sell textbooks and dumb you down so they can get into your head. While they steal. Do not work in government positions I agree. And reject all these evil people. the really rabid liars.
Thank YOU JOHN, it was fun hearing your show tonight. I look forward to tomorrow!!
STAN DEYO predicts earthquakes, doesnt mean the Earth is a ball.
JAMES message lets be human beings and promote each other and mentor someone. Support children. Families, friends, children, teach skills you have.
UFO disclosure, he ends with 1947. I agree. Its just free energy ships. The patents all been stolen from us. How about the EARTH IS FLAT people. Love you. FLAT EARTH , SPACE IS FAKE, disclosure. Instead of STAR WARS, its SPACE TARD. The UFOS are not extra terrestrial, they make it look that way. They would be like from another pond, from the pond our world is in. With another sun and moon, equally, going around a North Pole. No South. Earth is flat. You are not even thinking of the right map. You cant even get your head around it.
Here is a homemade video I seen today. Its a rant. Just a regular guy ranting about WHY?
What I think of NASA data. You think they took a car up to the moon and played golf? Then the ship turned into a boat.
LOOK STAN DEYO- NO CURVATURE Your eye always level to the horizon no matter how high.

290 Million Dollar Space Tents they need!
so funny
I took the VERSAILLES tour. I been to Concierge JOHN. I touched Marie Antoinettes bed, her cell in prison, and where her head got cut off I stood. I rode up the street she did in her cart. I went to Bastille. I been to La Petite Trianon. I been to COMPEIGNE, the hidden house of theirs for hunting game. I seen the cups she drank out that looked like nipples. I bought a SUN KING gold necklace in the gift shop. I spent the entire day there. I walked all by myself, like I lived there. I touched all those greek statues. Looked into the HALL OF MIRRORS, walked on the PARQUET FLOOR. I also spent a day in Napleons House, reassembled in the LOUVRE. The RED WALLS
I heard your rant about why are we such pussies and about how people used to hang rapists. Here is a meme I thought of you.

I commented on an article today. I post it here, in case they get deleted
I WONDER, What do Parents think when they think of their kid being in school. WILL they be spied on? By Grown Men? Relationships your children will have with these stranger adults, very intimate ones. They may ASK QUESTIONS. Or will they be Romanced by a teacher? Will they be manipulated by the nurses, touched, looked at, searched for bruises, made to endure poisonous vaccinations..my god, its like Gestapo school. Will they ask my kid questions, if he makes a joke? What about the newly implemented 6th grade sex ed. Will they pull out a banana and condom, and whats my kid thinking, my god...and the new three bathrooms. What if my kid plays with a toy gun, will they shoot him? The Bullies, peer pressure, shaming, and the sex and hard drug use among students. Then the police coming in and lining them up, and throwing girls into locker room doors. Over a plant. Will they force my child to eat their MICHELLE FOOD if I do not make the lunch with all the 12 food groups? ? Who is going to want to send their kids to the USA anymore. I think thats the plan. We are all supposed to be the same as Mexico, and Europe. Well, we are not, We are superior. America wake up and take our education back. GO TRUMP, END the farce thats COMMON CORE, The ELITES who" hold the SECRETS" , want you to be the same as the dumbest student. So they can control you and tax you for breathing. And make a fortune off textbook sales.
CARAVANTOMIDNIGHT.COM for a new interview EVERY NIGHT for a small price you can do paypal I think,
UPDATE I did a tarot reading
I asked and this card came up
This is a card about destruction. Stan Deyo, speaks of really scary things. Like I bet solar flares. Coming to burn your house down. Stan Deyo, wants you to imagine this. He wants you to imagine this happening to you. For what I do not know.
Thats my reading for you John.
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