Sunday, May 8, 2016



Trump is leading over Hillary Clinton in the polls. Trump knows how to close the deal, Hillary Cannot. Hillary Clinton reads from a teleprompter.  Trump writes his own speeches, they are not from a 25 year old. Trump has surpassed any republican candidate ever.  Trump wants to win by a big big number.

I believe Trump will give the whole world work. The whole world jobs. I love you so much Trump. You are going to win. I know it. I want that. Its what I want now. I put up with so much, I know somethings, I know whats right and whats wrong. YOU ARE WHATS RIGHT with all men. Now its my turn. I want to vote you in. I want to do more than just vote. I want to Obey you Trump. I want you as USA President. My country.  My decision is final. I am committed to getting you in office. I will.

That was not a protester Trump, that was a paid Hillary Plant, wearing Bernie shirts to hide behind. Thats how they do it. Don't let it hurt your feelings, its phoney protester, not a real person. Who wants to protest you? Noone.

Money will be put up for safe zones in SYRIA, what a great idea. I think thats beautiful.  Europe is a mess. Germany, its a MESS! Our country has enough problems. YES, I AGREE with you. Syria needs to put their minds together and get themselves out.

Its a MOVEMENT. You have to VOTE. Send back the envelope. DO WHATEVER you have to do, to have a really big victory MAY 24th! Washington State to vote for TRUMP. And make sure your vote matters and counts and double check and Report any voter fraud to Roger Stone. It will be like the holy grail for me. I will kiss that ballot. I will hold it to my lips as if it were communion. They better count mine. Its got your name on it. 

Donald Trump U like CHAMPIONS. Bobby Night endorsed you. He is a Football Coach,  on the NY times magazine cover, MIKE LEECH, beating everyone, on the cover, and WHO DO YOU MOST LIKE, he put down DONALD TRUMP! I love him! Great answer. Coach LEECH.

Trump you are a genius and you will be the next leader of the United States and for the first time in my entire life I can obey with all my heart a leader worthy enough of me. And Trumps thats you. I have high high expectations of the perfect man, and Trump, you are the most perfect. Of all men. Your brain is sharp made for finances, you have an affinity with GOLD. Its your spirit.  You are the leader you so wished, in 1989,  would step up and save America. Its you.  WE need WINNERS. You are that leader for AMERICA.  You are and will be a great leader. I see it now. The WHITE HOUSE will now be the GOLD HOUSE.  You are the finest talent Donald. Its you. This is about skill. May the best mind win. You have everything going for you. This is historic. The world will change, the brains will step up now. The brutes will be rejected.

Roger Stone said you were a US NATIONALIST in a FIELD OF GLOBALISTS. Donald Trump U R SELF FUNDING. We are going to make this country SO GREAT AGAIN, its got unbelievable potential.  Jeb Bush has no talent. But profiteering off his dads name or drug running. Jeb speaks badly about Trump. Jeb hasnt gone away. Bushes do not go away, Roger Stone says. I know it too. They need to be banished to the undergrounds. Jeb Bush is not an honorable person, he signed pledges without meaning anything. Just to sign.

Donald Trump has the best temperament. Donald Trump has a confidence TONE. We need a tough tone I agree. We better get tough fast. I agree. YOU DO.

Trumps brought millions into this party. Millions and Millions, and the biggest story in politics worldwide. Time MAGAZINE, you are on the cover all the time. This is what people want to read about. We are doing a hell of a job, we are all on the cover. You say. But its you THE MAN. The ideal man. In all of us DONALD, Its you. I want my daughter to be JUST LIKE IVANKA. Its possible. When you live by the right principles. And are moral.

Paul Ryan MUST support you Trump. Or he is an outsider and needs to be banished too.  We want strong borders, strong military.  We need to make it strong. Like THE BEST EVER. We need to make it impenetrable. Trump does not want his generals, in the future,  to be interviewed on television.  Its true. They need to be super tough and private and secret.  Its sad.  I agree, We need to vote for Trump.

I think, we have to save money and get rid of so many departments, councils and bureaus.  If you are good, Keep your mouth shut, and do the good actions. The GOOD MEN get the JOB DONE. Trump has big big changes changes. Hillary Clinton, is taking 90 million dollars to blow on her lies. Lets see who has the midas gold touch. Hillary is wicked with money. Hoards of Of CRIMINAL CASH. BLOOD MONEY. ILLEGAL contributions. Her FUNDS where she takes blackmail, from special interests. Clinton Foundation, lying to people who donate. She is not helping kids. They are HURTING THEM.

Clinton has the delegates over Bernie. She just has blood money from the enemies.

Trump won Indiana in a LANDSLIDE and he won with WOMEN and he won with MEN. Evangelicals, Old young, educated military vets.

FOCUS ON CROOKED HILLARY. I cannot wait. She is going to have 2 billion dollars. She is playing theWOMENS CARD. I say TRUMP lets get Ivanka to be VP! Ivanka Trump to be VP!! You can play women card too! Play it! LOL I love it.

I love how you bring up MEGYN KELLY. That was so funny and crazy, all she talks about now is YOU. She is obsessed, she wants to get your attention again, so she can get ratings, they are failing. Rosie Odonnell hahahah I love when you talk about ROSIE. Flying Demons come at you from everywhere. Howard Stern show is fun, huh.

DONALD Trump, has the highest esteem of women. We love him. I love him. I can speak for women. I love you Trump. NOONE IS WORSE for women than BILL CLINTON.

I am so scared of being molested by BILL. Please people, keep him away. Keep the children away from Bill Clinton. I read Roger Stones Book. No way. I would be terrified if he came into a room and my friends were there or my children! Would you feel safe with children around BILL CLINTON? No, I would not feel safe.

Political Correctness is killing everything. I see this too. Its socialism. Everyone is superior to you just for being born. Hillary is married to a man who is historic abuser of women. And Hillary enabled that behavior, hid it, and according to some books, sexually assaulted women as well.

I cannot wait to see all the businesses coming back here, so more people have money and we can all live our dreams without being harassed. We are losing all our companies to Mexico and they go elsewhere, to exploit the underaged poor women in other countries, its evil.

GLENN BECKS EMPIRE IS FALLING. His dreams of being loved, are quickly fleeting.

We are losing our businesses. Countries are happy to swallow our workforce, Like its candy from a baby, its taken I like that. I see it too. All over the country they are closing factories to move somewhere else. So they can make other countries wealthy. I see it.

THE WALL IS getting built and very high and the Mexicans will build it and give their country work for decades. The border towns will now be flowing with Mexican Gold. ORO.

 THE ELITE, YOU TRULY ARE DONALD TRUMP. But I think when people say Elite they mean the bankers or cabal. YOU ARE A FREE TRADER. But you cannot have it with stupid people. I agree. We are being beaten on every front. YES I agree too.

Every poll I have seen, even in Flat earth forums, are DONALD TRUMP number one. We all want you. I want you.

Trans Pacific Partnership, be against it, Reject it, Close it, and burn in the trash. Toss in the fire. Toss it. Its garbage. Its a fraud, they make it long like that to hold the secrets, and those who hold the secrets have the power. Well flat earth,  the reason they dont tell you whats in the paperwork, until  after the laws are passed, so they hold KNOWLEDGE over you. THATS IT. Its a gesture of power and we should just read it and laugh and rip it up.

These losers are controlled VAMPIRICALLY by their companies and boards and collectives and if you are not for your country, then you are a GLOBALIST! And you must be banished to the undergrounds to keep this kind of evil away from our race. I think.
We have the best everything Trump I agree.

Ivanka for your VICE PRESIDENT,  DONALD. Its perfect. I was hoping it was DON JR but lets give Hillary some fun and games with the woman card. I do not trust any politician. I want business people to run America's business. She can be like Dagny Taggart.

I love you so much Donald. You did great, Good job, in WA STATE.  I never was so dug in everyday to your rallies. I learn so much. You speak to me. I hear you. I absorb your business advice. You can help so many men find greatness in themselves as wll. I see it.

38 % tarriff we pay on Japan. Too bad. Thats not fair. No way. Why that much no wonder they taking advantage, they running with our money. China sends us over nuclear waste metal in their products and expects us to pay for DOLLAR STORE COMMUNITIES and plastic junk that breaks not even out of the bag. The bowls, say NO FOOD MUST BE IN THESE. They are all so toxic!

China respects you. They love you. They love high class American Culture. They do not respect OBAMA. They do not respect Hillary. They dont respect BUSH, they fear those powers, of evil.  But you, they admire. China sees your accomplishments, they envy it, they want to copy what you do. You are not angry with them. Its just a business thing, you see they are taking advantage. I am sure you could make a good deal with China so they respect you. Their leader, the KING OF CHINA,  may even name his baby MELANIA. After your wife. Everyone is doing it.  You know it DONALD.

What you have is the spiritual gold. You have the love of the American People. The INNOCENTS. You have it. Everyone all these world leaders envy it, and think they have it, but its counterfeit. Our leaders have lied, misrepresented us. They have given power to un elected people in the World Councils of Nonsense and No legs.

Trump, Do Not Believe you are meaningless. Do not. You are important and there is a divine plan with your name on it. What you have is going to manifest soon for you. The world will open up to you all its secrets. I want you to be able to see everything for what it is, on spot, by your first impression, I want you to know what is good and bad. I want your decisions to be so easy. I want the path laid clear for you. I want that, or I will, that you be divinely guided by higher intelligence. Without a doubt I want you to know the best answer in every circumstance. ON CALL. 

Lets rebuild our airports, fix our country, fire the evil- get rid of waste.  YES. I feel. The Middle East is a mess. I cannot stand Obama, Trump. Please make him go away. Time to take out the trash, show the world who is number one. They made us look foolish. I want countries to love us, respect us, and I want to be in a country that protects me, not steals lies to me. REAL SCIENCE, real medicine. No more globalist evil. Donald, lets bring back Paradise for Capitalism! Freedom of our minds. Power Skill Talent, and Mans GREATNESS. 

I love when you talk about things Donald, the gossip on China. WOW. They take our jobs, they rebuild their country, with our business,  and then we owe them. Its like a magic act in reverse you say. Japan sells us all the cars, yet we owe them. ahahaha Not cool. I agree. I just did not know this. 

You know what Donald, I really want to read Hillarys Emails. I really want to read all of them. Wouldnt that be so much fun! It would be like Christmas for the entire USA. My interest is in her love life with Huma. It must be so like ELSA and ANNA. 

I read in Roger Stones Book, and googled a photo of Hillary with Vince FOSTER, they looked so IN LOVE. He was an important man right, he was not just a NOBODY. Has there been justice for him yet? He walked to the car and shot himself in the parking lot, no keys on him, what happened exactly? 

MAY 24 vote ! Send that thing in. Just send the thing in. AHAHAH we will get you in no matter what Trump. DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO. I mean it. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VOTE you will ever make in your life and you will look back 20 years and say I helped him get him in.
GREATEST DAY EVER. America was made great. AGAIN.

We are going to be knocking the hell out of ISIS. We are going to win with our vets and terminate COMMON CORE and OBAMA CARE. I hate those Loser leechy inventions. We will win. We will dominate with our skill and talent.

I love you so much Trump I send you all the knowledge I have.

I do not like Glenn Beck. I want him taken off the radio. I find his offensive. I find his LIES, degenerate.


Matt Drudge ( ILOVEU)  when you click on that headline on drudgereport, it went to his epic video at exactly

GO THERE at 7 min 45 sec in

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