Monday, May 9, 2016

MY OPINION of Roger Stone on Alex Jones Infowars today 5/9./2016

TO Roger Stone, I am so glad to hear you on Alex Jones Radio today. Its always a good day.

Good morning. I had to hear Alex Twice just to hear you again. Its a joy too. I love Alex Jones anyways. But I been waiting four hours now. I am a NIXON baby.  Hello.

Roger Stone, the man with the eyes who can see. The GOOD Man. I feel when you are on, I have to turn everything off and turn up the volume. I feel I have to take notes. I do that. I have to.

When I wear my DONALD TRUMP shirt, everyone nods and high fives me. I do not understand this mainstream Media saying Americans are against him. ONLY ON CABLE TV. Its like the globalists have investors, they been fooling. Are you sure you guys have the backing of the AMERICANS and they say OH YEAH, we do. And they fake it with their FAKE MEDIA everyone rejects. But losers or mentally ill. They are ruining journalism careers forever. Never to come back. Channels and stations are digging their graves. Dead while still alive its called CANCER. Trump is under attack by FAKE LOSER media. The moles will be exposed and rejected.

GOP insider Roger Stone discusses this and otherestablishment attacks on Trump, who’s populist message of nationalism is turning the tide against globalism. 

PAUL RYAN and  Priebus. They are globalists puppets. The NWO representatives. The hired help. They cannot preside if they cannot back the GOP nominee. They have to support Trump or quit. They must be banished. They are with the GLOBALISTS. They must be separated from the rest of us, so evil doesnt spread. The BORDERLESS world crazy fantasies. Reject World Government. It has no legs. Take the power back, all countries at once, GET OUT. Fire Kerry. Fire Priebus. FIRE RYAN. Banish them to the UNDERGROUNDS 2016. This is my country, Its GODS PLAN. Put the gimps back in their cage.

The GOP cannot even raise money for TRUMP. They divide the money up amongst themselves. They are so BUSTED. Thanks ALEX JONES.

I hope I do not talk too much and you like what I say to you. I am so happy you are on. I want you to know I would never lie to you. I give you my pledge. So when you read what I write, you do not have to be scared, no flying beyonces here, I am genuine. I want Trump to be my president. I want to get the word out. I want to share your videos. I want to comment on them. I want to do whatever it is I can. I do like to write so I chose this blogger. I want to support you. I follow you. I follow Alex. Anything I can I will do. I know some things too.

STONE zone dot com. ROGER STONE. Thats him. Check it out.

  1. Millions of people have been brought to Republican Party because of TRUMP, so they should be honoring him.
  2. Paul Ryan needs to be removed as chairman and hired by Hillary.
  3. One million un registered voters, who meet the standards of TRUMP supporters.
  4. Politics is about addition not subtraction
  5. Bush Family are criminals
  6. Jeb Bush says he cannot support Trump, because he doesn't have the character to be president
  7. Jeb is a drug runner, defrauder, profiteer. Lined his pockets. Worst Character ever. THE DELUSION.
  8. Paul Ryan has conditional demands he wants Trump to agree with. ( SNICKER)
  9. Priebus is a RYAN MAN.
  10. Priebus demands that Trump uses their data trust bank vault, for outgoing voter contact. FLAWED SYSTEM DIRTY INEFFECTIVE.
  11. Favored vendors for Priebus to get Millions of dollars from the TRUMP CAMPAIGN. They want money for themselves to divide up.
  12. Trump is toughest negotiator alive today
  13. Trump will not be blackmailed. He will call for Ryan to step down.
  14. Paul Ryan wants HILLARY, he has NO PLACE there.
  16. The fix is in if RYAN or PRIEBUS get their way
  17. Accounting tricks they lie to fool investors, double counting
  18. AUDIT the RNC as soon as TRUMP is in.
  19. Our votes do count.
  20. Roger Stone has never seen this in his life.
  21. Republican speaker has tried to black mail TRUMP.
  22. Donald Trump is his own man. He has read CLINTONS WAR ON WOMEN
  23. Lots of foundation of HILLARYs abuse of women. 
  24. Strategy of Clintonites is that they are trying to suppress this story, they dont have a clue about the internet. Just like before, they cut this story off. It will not work this time.
  25. DONALD TRUMP cannot be silenced on this subject
  26. Let these women who were raped by BILL, speak! 
  27. Trump referred to the CLINTON FOUNDATION as a SCAM.
  28. Trump vowed to go after HILLARY.
  29. TENURE SEC of state of hers
  30. Biggest MONEY LAUNDERING scheme in History, the CLINTON FOUNDATION
  31. Silence worked in the 1980s, it will not work now for Hillary.
  33. Hillary Crawling to her grave
  34. Any conversation Roger has with TRUMP is PROPRIETARY
  35. Trump will not be controlled by WALL or K street.
  36. A case where a non existent women accused Trump, falsely of abusing her in the company of Jerry Epstein, (CLINTONS buddy for underaged girl bonking.) The case thrown out.
  37. PEDO island is where Bill Clinton has been visiting.
  38. Priebus Ryan Clan will go away now. BYE BYE.

" I CANT VOTE FOR HILLARY and I CANNOT VOTE FOR TRUMP" is not something, JUST PAUL RYAN is saying. I have heard celebs saying it too, now. SO I sense this is their PLAY chess move. Just saying. I have heard it around alot. THEY WILL NEVER get rid of Trump that way. THEY ARE SO DUMB. It will never be trendy. 

Trump is the biggest news story in the world. I sleepwalk and I check Matt Drudges headlines, in my sleep. Bathroom breaks 3 am, I have to check. I check my youtube too.

 Alex pointed out how smart you really are, and you tried to change the subject.  I caught you. You give yourself away! Your importance, you try to hide. Why? Why not be proud of your accomplishments and say THANK YOU ALEX. But yes, you slipped. Now I know. Its you who are the genius. I think Alex senses what you are trying to hold back, BUT THAT IS GOOD keep stuff hidden back. You showed me that you are much, more important, than I thought. Its what you are trying to downplay. I sense it. Your intelligence. I can sense it. I know how smart you are.  You are keepers of the POLITICAL secrets. Inner circle knowledge you have. Secrets of the grand plan. I bet you, I cannot say it here, but I bet you,...are more important than you say. I see you here.  I acknowledge you ROGER STONE. I am so impressed. I got my answer. I agree play it down. Be humble. People will find out later.

YES CLANDESTINE. Thats a good word for you. You are CLANDESTINE. But, not in the pejorative sense. You have the brains.  You have the brains everyone wants. I knew it. You have been planning this since the 1980s !  Since Goldwater lost, right? YOU started this legacy, right? I see it. This all...oooh boy. Its you.

I do not even know how you could have done, what you have done. YOU, are the mastermind. You are expecting, planning every move. Amazing. You are up against the Globalists, Hoarders of the Gold,  Abusers of children, Rockefellers Globalists and Royalties, You are a political whiz. You are playing CHESS here. This game is with the devil and its for the SOUL of all MAN. YOU HAVE TO WIN. Its destiny. Your whole life has led up to THIS TEST. And its brains that will win. All evil can do is take what you give and twist it. Lie. Thats all. So how do you deal with liars? Expose them. They are liars. Nothing they say is what is. How do you play with liars? You get them suspended from the game. Easy win.

I know TRUMP reads your books. I know Donald savors the CLINTONS WAR ON WOMEN.  

( CLICK TO BUY) I savor it. Its so good. Every page is so exciting. You are a fearless man. The White House. Soon, it will be Trumps "GOLD HOUSE" !  THEY must be terrified of you. You are the most feared man there now.  When you wrote that book, you were writing it for Americans. Not for your peers or BS liars levels. Correct? You wrote it for me. I can understand it. Its a GOOD BOOK about HILLARY CLINTON. The crimes all laid out. SO GOOD! Easy to read. The book is for me. I sensed that. You are a real man. I am proud of you. Trump is proud too I am sure.

I seen what you have done with the BUSHES. I seen what you did. YOU KNOW how to position the enemy, to stab its own self. You make the enemy fall on its own sword. I see it. You are a genius at that play. You bring them out. Its so easy isnt it. They do it themselves. They hang themselves. The GLOBALISTS are not like the American People. We reject them, when it becomes crystal clear who their names are. We will reject them. Banish them all to the undergrounds. They have entire cities built so they can have stuff to do their entire eternities. DOWN THERE. Gardening, they can drive on roads. They can watch movies. They can walk around. They can take showers. Seal them down there. Thats where they belong. Is not that gods plan? To banish all evil underground? They chose this, they built their own bunkers correct?

THE EVIL GLOBALISTS.  Un-elected satanists. They enjoy baby snacks. They love Islam and think they can make it a pet. They think Muslims will go along with this plan. To help them bring in Luciferianism. So they can build temples. To their DEVILS. The Satanists, think the Muslims are going to honor their agreement later on. SO they can sacrifice BABIES and invoke ancient SUN WORSHIPPING deities. Fake ALIEN INVASION coming. There is no space people. Remember that. Everything can be explained, in time.

These  majority, are mostly "role playing" satanists. They just do it to get power, their heart is not IN IT for most of them. Its just TRADITION, they tell themselves. They are VERY WEAK COWARDS. Not skilled. Most of them just want to be loved, they are broken. They have used secret knowledge, and used it to exploit the INNOCENTS. Ridicule, is their strength. They feel superior, for their secrets. Their JOKES. But when it comes down, they will leave in droves. Abandon their MASTERS. Right now, the guilt is eating their souls alive. Its fire that burns and eat their self esteem.

Countries need to get themselves out. 

The entire world is laughing at us about America's 

What abominations. Its to rub it in our faces. The obvious.

Antarctica Treaty people look it up one day. Antarctica IS THE ICE WALL AROUND OUR WORLD. It is not a continent on the bottom on a flying ball in vacuum of space. Reject the GLOBE. Or you will not see it. Reject the globe. Just for one day Roger. Try it out. If you want to fight the globalists Roger, just see this for a 5 minute time spot. See how it feels. DO things make sense, where they didnt before. I beg you. Think. Nothing moves under your feet. I promise. You are probably to my right, if I douse where you are. On this flat infinite plane. I have been here for a long long time. I am not duped. Any question, that you have about this, I have the answer already. Or you can treat me as novelty. Yes. I am flat earther. A real one. How many do you know? I am special. I have insight, most do not have. I can see evil and I can see good. I know the language.

Take a walk Roger and look up at the CLOSE SUN. Traveling over us. Over the flat lands, like Obama bungled once, in a speech. Go outside now. Its going around us in a circle around the NORTH POLE.  There is NO SOUTH POLE. 

 There is no SOUTH POLE. Just a NORTH pole. Our SUN and moon are equal and they rotate around the North Pole and then further out for the winter cycle.

You ever wonder why POLARIS never changes? Why the stars go in perfect circles everynight around us? Around US. We are not spinning at 1000s mphs. DO you feel it? 

There is absolutely without a DOUBT, NO CURVATURE of any ball earth. EVER. You cannot find it. Pilots, fly straight, canals, Railroads, bridges, etc. All straight. Noone makes any allowance ever for a curve. FACT.

THE WORLD COUNTRIES AND WORLD LEADERS TO YOU, join Trump. Find your own Trump. Elect him. You all have your VERY OWN Trump.

Before its too late , get out. Please, all COUNTRIES, get out of the UN out of the EU. Any WORLD COUNCIL... REJECT THEM NOW. Close all doors, turn away when they walk into a room. Hang up when they call. Put them on AUTO reject lists. Giggle when they show up at parties. Point to them and shake your head. Do not sign, rip up documents. Nothing they say is true. They broke every rule.

Save your cultures and BAN ISLAM and SATANISM. They have infiltrated all the secret societies and changed all the rules. They have hijacked. Do you trust them now? DO You trust them? The enemy is inside the system. They are looters by their orders from their sacred texts. It is called "Taquiya" or AKA CANCER.

Or else, there will be just wastelands. Everything of yours taken, looted and nothing will be left but regret. They will no reasoning with you, when they are at your door. They do not reason. They will come and mutilate your children in front of you.

HELIOCENTRISTS! All of NASA, and all the secret societies who own everything, even all knowledge, has lied about our Geocentric, world. All the SCHOOLS and UNIVERSITIES and Inner Circle Science are in on it.  Hundreds of years. To hide. SHHH dont tell.

'o' my god, dems erect obama temple

 Even  our evolution. Did you know DINOSAURS were invented by men? In 1850's never been seen before. And they are not real bones, they are molds, NO complete real dinosaur exists, they are all MODELS that you see in MUSEUMS, all models.  Noone researches, we take for granted. They say oh I found a bone here, and a bone here and they fill in the rest, and these bones are tested and they are not DINOSAUR bones at all. They are easy to make. Molds were very popular method and money hungry museum people went crazy. All Liars clubs members too. With so much proof of this. We take for science, is fake. 100s of complete dinosaur bone MODELS were given to museums and they only put the ones THAT DONT LOOK too FAKE, up. If you ask, they will make up more lies. The bones and shapes of them, are DYSFUNCTIONAL. Look at the DINOSAUR bones, they would not work, the creatures, would fall over.  Lots of frauds and hoaxes in the 1800s especially with museums, 12 million a dinosaur set sold for once.  Lots of money was made. They want you to think you came from a monkeys ass and that we are meaningless floating sphere, in space, like chaos. No. Not real. SO much I can go over with you. And I can prove what I say Roger. I can. I swear it. On the bible.

The keepers of the secrets, have all the TRUTH. They encode this in their symbols. Astrophysics, all that, Nasa advisory boards, all frauds. Masonic Government Science, Inner Circle Liars clubs. They have ruined all knowledge, all science all areas. EVEN GOOGLE.

No. We are here for a purpose. Trump needs to get in. Save the world, us from the devil worshippers. What a great campaign. Just for this article trust me. I want you to SEE. Just for now.

 WHY WOULD THE WORLD WANT SUCH A SATANIC LEADER? No one would. People would BANISH a man like this evil.I reject that. He would be rejected from all lunch school tables. He would have to sit by himself. Noone would get a drink with this man.

Why does the UN have the flat earth map as a logo? Do you know the joke? Its pretty funny isnt it? Do you think they are clever? For 500 years now? They have HIDDEN IT? The absolute obvious.  Are you impressed? Isnt it so funny? The UN LOGO, has the FE map, divided it into 33 sections too. Do you know that significance? I want YOU to realize instead of me telling you. Someone Twisted my wrist. I want to twist yours. I think this information, could change THINGS. ITS NOT BS. I have gone through the research.

I know you can see this Roger. I know you can. I just want you to see. SO BAD. Look.  Because you cannot truly see WHO the globalists REALLY ARE. Until you see THIS. I still have some of the smartest men I know running circles, trying to debunk me, and still to this day..they cannot. The FLAT EARTH model or version, is simply the obvious easiest and best answer for all the doubts. This knowledge, if let loose, will defend itself. Its my offering to you.

If NASA took a photo of a up close piece of bread and posted in the NY TIMES, with the backing of MIT professors,  saying it was the newest planet, and we need 300 Mill dollar space tent, people always say oh wow. SPACE. Here is your money. Thats how innocent America is. Right now. Do you see the potential? THIS is where the money goes. Correct?

Here is my compliments and my opinion on your talk today with Alex, he said he wants to go viral so I am spreading this information. I feel we need to focus on TRUMP as being a SAVIOR of CHRISTIANS worldwide. Focus on his GOOD CHOICES and how GOD has been good to him. People in other countries are VERY SUPERSTITIOUS.

 The LUCIFER worshippers. You know its true Roger. I will be your underground woman.  I have knowledge. I can tell you all about it. I can sift through disinfo and info. Tons of it. You will get lost by yourself. This is a 100 year plan. You, my friend, are the cure. You are the beauty than will make this ugliness shrivel up.

 I know who these people are. These individuals with names. These people are losers. They are all about lies and DECEPTION. That is their SKILL. They are good at that. Lying. They cannot do anything else. They depend on the mainstream laughing at such topics. They use ridicule. They are good at that.

Either you are with us, or you are with the GLOBALISTS. That would be a great Donald Speech. Oy Vey, I have to calm down. I get so excited. Alex was talking about Bohemian Grove earlier. Skull and Bones, Liars clubs etc. They fake space travel. They make up waves of gravitrons. They distort minds and lie to children. There is so much I want to tell you Roger, but I cannot here, I have to keep the subject. YOU. Have to keep it MAINSTREAM.

You will win. Victory is yours. But there will be many flying demons, flying beyonces, coming still. Duck and miss them or just slay with your words. I can see them while my next door neighbor is completely blind. These people DO VOODOO. Protect yourself ROGER. Pray and think the good thoughts. Like Alex says, Donald Trump Presidency, has DESTINY all over it.

You will WIN. ROGER. I send you everything I can. Anything you need ask for. Ask your self, what is the winning idea of the day and you will get it. I ask this. I want you to have the winning ideas always.  I want you to have everything you need. I want it to come to you. The best of the best ideas. The winning ones, the ones that will make everyone gasp.

FACEBOOK patriots ON THE INSIDE, please help TRUMP get in. DO behind the scenes work! Make his videos viral.  Facebook Owner Zuckerberg, has become a brain zombie to the CHINESE. They are using mind control on him. Someone save his mind. They must be shooting radio waves in Zuckerbergs brain when he sleeps with the CHINA anthem playing constantly.

Sorry I talk so much. I love when you get on Alex Jones. He is so witty isnt he. I was there when Alex had his AHA moment with Trump. I heard it live. My aha moment was decades ago. I know who DONALD WAS. I cut out articles about him growing up. I did. 

 I am attracted to your ideas. I feel they are absolutely right. Good Job Roger. I am proud of you.  Capitalism will prevail.  Trump is perfect. You do not know him like I do. I followed him all my life. You know this already Roger. I am here until he is sitting in the WHITE HOUSE.

I love your great work Roger, and my decision to get TRUMP IN is final.

 If I can help you in any way, I want you to for 30 min a day meditate. Meditate. WHAT IS IT YOU REALLY REALLY want to happen with Trump 2016 Campaign. That is a great meditative question. You know when you have arrived, when you feel so much happiness. BLISS. Fill yourself up with that. You can stop meditating, then. Its always to know what is your TRUE WILL with the campaign. What is it, that you Roger Stone, want to happen next? You will know it, when you sit and quiet your mind, and your answer gives you the most amount of joy.

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